Hand Crafted Walnut & Maple Wand

Hand Crafted Walnut & Maple WandThis Wand is BroomCastle Wands design, BW 42. It is crafted from both the wood of a Walnut tree and a Maple tree.

This particular wand was first pieced together by turning one end of the Maple  down to a 3/8″ x 2″ dowel while one end of the Walnut was drilled out to the same measurement. Both ends were then glued together and held in place for 3 days to dry. Finally the now solid piece was turned on a lathe and shape according to the drawings created for Wand design BW 42. If you didn’t realize it every wand that BroomCastle Wands creates is first sketched on paper, then made into a final drawing to a 1/2 scale.
Hand Crafted Walnut & Maple Wand